TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus default router IP address

Default IP address of TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus is:

Navigate to in your browser. You should see page similar to this:

Admin login info (user and password) for TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus

Just type in credentials shown on image above and click "Sign in" button, and you should be ready to configure your TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus router.

How to find the IP of the router with Windows?

How to access the IP address of the Windows router? Where to find the IP address on the Windows router? Answear to all those questions can be easily solved by using Windows command line and executing “ipconfig” in command line. You will see all the details about your current network connection and under a default gateway will be TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus IP Address. This could be very useful when default TEW-410APBplus IP address has been changed and you want discover it without necessity to reset TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus.

What is "ipconfig"?

How to run ipconfig all on Windows 10? If you want to access your TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus setup page first thing you need to know what is TEW-410APBplus IP Address. There are two main methods to do that, one is to check sticker at the TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus cover, but if you don’t have psychical access to router, or you want to do it faster you can always use a Windows build-in terminal by running “cmd” in start menu. There just type “ipconfig/all” and you will get a list of all existing network connections, under a default gateway position you will find a actual TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus IP address. Now you know how to enable ipconfig in Windows 10 or Windows 11.

Check sticker on the bottom of your TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus router

To access TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus configuration website you need to type router IP Address to the web browser address field. Almost every router has sticker at the bottom cover or the backside, and on this sticker, you should find all necessary info including default TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus IP address. First two steps you should always do when you want to configure some unknown router is to Hard Reset it through the button and look for the sticker with default IP address, and you should be ready to configure your TRENDnet TEW-410APBplus router.