Mojo Networks C-120 Specs

Mojo Networks C-120

On this page, you can find details regarding Mojo Networks C-120. IP Address is a digit combination that you can enter into your web browser to gain access to Mojo Networks C-120 router settings. Router Default Username is the default name for the administrator account on your web configuration. Similarly, Router Default Password is a password default to every Mojo Networks device and it should be changed during the first configuration. SSID Address is a name that will be displayed when someone tries to connect to your Mojo Networks C-120 via Wi-Fi. SSID Password is a default Wi-Fi password that you can use while connecting to a wireless network for the first time. Just as in the case of Router Default Password, it should be changed during the first configuration.

Brand / Manufacturer Mojo Networks
Model Name C-120
WiFi Standard Gigabit (abgn+ac)
WiFi bands 2.4GHz & 5GHz
Subnet Mask
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