Hitron CDA-32372 Specs

Hitron CDA-32372

Below you can see a detailed specification of Hitron CDA-32372. An IP Address will give you a digit combination, which you need to input to a web browser address field to enter Hitron CDA-32372 configuration panel. IP Username will show you default username which you need to type when you want to log in to web menu. IP Password is a password created by Hitron, it should be changed as fast as possible, because it can be used to hack your home WiFi network. SSID Address is a default name of Hitron CDA-32372 Wi-Fi network, which will appear when you configure CDA-32372 router for the first time, or after a factory reset. SSID Password is default Wi-Fi password, use it to access Hitron CDA-32372 Wi-Fi for the first time.

Tutorials Hitron CDA-32372 default login and password
Brand / Manufacturer Hitron
Model Name CDA-32372
RAM Capacity 256 MiB
Flash Memory Capacity 128 MiB
Ethernet Ports 2 x Gigabit ports
IP Address On a sticker on the router’s case
Router Default Username On a sticker on the router’s case
Router Default Password On a sticker on the router’s case
Default WiFi Network Name (SSID address) On a sticker on the router’s case
Default WiFi Password On a sticker on the router’s case
Subnet Mask