What’s IP Checker?
Have you ever wondered what your current Public IP looks like? Well, we’ve created a very simple IP checker that
displays your public IP Address, just by accessing the website. Your IP Address allows your device to
communicate with different servers and services all around the world, and
it may come in-handy to learn what your IP address looks like in different networks.
What my IP Address depends on?
Your IP address depends on two things, your device and the Network you’re currently connected to.
If your phone and PC are connected to the same network, they’ll get
assigned different IP addresses, and if you connect your devices to a different network, their IP addresses will
also be changed. It’s important to remember that you do not take your
IP Address anywhere you go, it might be different everytime!
What Can I do with my IP Address?
Learning what your IP Address is may help you in diagnosing your local network and seeing if your device gets
assigned a correct IP Address.
Of course, knowing your Public IP Address will also be extremely important if you’re planning
on using SSH or any other remote desktop/shell application.

Is my data safe?
While the IP Address itself does not carry any sensitive information, it might be a good idea to protect it using
a VPN. Hiding your IP will make it impossible for your ISP (Internet service provider) to
track your online activity. Other websites can also track your latest searches in order to better suit displayed
advertisements. So, in the end, your personal data is safe, but your searches and preferences are