Change Router Password – How to Set new Router Password

It is important to change the default password on your router for security reasons. Hackers often target routers because they can provide access to the entire network and all devices connected to it. By using the default password, your router is vulnerable to attacks. Changing the password to a strong, unique one will help protect your network and personal information from unauthorized access.

The best method to change router password:

To change the password for your router, you will need to access the router’s web-based setup page. Here are the general steps you can follow:

  1. Connect to your router’s Wi-Fi network or use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer to the router.
  2. Open a web browser and enter the router’s IP address in the address bar. The router’s default IP can be easily found on Router.Info
  3. Enter the router’s username and password (the default credentials are usually “admin” for both the username and password, but this can vary depending on the router’s make and model).
  4. Once logged in, navigate to the “settings” or “configuration” page.
  5. Look for the option to change the password or security settings, and enter your new password.
  6. Save the changes and log out of the setup page. Note: The specific steps may vary depending on the router’s make and model. You can refer to the router’s manual or contact the manufacturer for more information.

Why leaving unchanged router password can be dangerous:

Leaving the default password on your router unchanged can be dangerous because it makes it easy for hackers to gain access to your network. Many routers come with a default password that is easily discoverable, and hackers can use this information to gain access to your network and steal personal information, such as login credentials and financial data. Additionally, once a hacker has access to your router, they can use it to launch attacks on other devices connected to the network, or even to use your internet connection to launch attacks on other networks. Changing the password to a strong, unique one will help protect your network and personal information from unauthorized access.